This past weekend my oldest friend Guillermo got hitched to the love of his life, Emma, in the remote little town of Gold Field, a Ghost Town in Arizona. Although I didn’t see any ghosts, we did see a very unique wedding and an amazingly colorful sunset. I know that traditionally you post photos of the ceremony but I didn’t take photos of the actual ceremony since I was a part of it but let me say that by the end I was going through withdrawals from not holding my camera. 🙂 I did take a handful of photos after the ceremony (mainly of family and friends) and I’ll post some of those soon.


On our way to the reception, though, I decided to snap a few photos and grab a drink with my wife and a few of our friends. As we sat there and enjoyed our root beer floats and ice cream, my good friend, Anitza said the two wondrous words that almost every photographer loves to hear: Magic Hour. We stepped outside and began shooting. If you follow me on Instagram or are friends with me on Facebook you saw a “teaser” photo that resembles the photo to the right of this, below you’ll find the full photo:


And, just before we left we got a handful of photos from the parking area:



It was definitely a fantastic view to end to a fun and loving ceremony!

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