
On March 16, 2011 I set out to better myself. I set out to become a better photographer by shooting at least one picture everyday. Day 1 was definitely off to a Rough Start when I set out to photograph a sunrise and quickly realized that I forgot my memory cards. That morning taught me my first valuable lesson. New challenges arose every day; some more difficult than others. Moving to our new home, working crazy hours and caring for and watching our toddler grow up definitely made it challenging. I remember working long days and then getting out of bed at 11:30pm because my wife would remind me that I hadn’t taken a picture all day then scrambling to piece one together. Although these shots were not always fruitful they taught me quite a bit about planning.

365 days, pictures and posts have come and gone but I feel that I have finally begun to grow as a photographer. So, to complete the task that I set out to do, I decided that I would revisit our friend, the sun, and try to capture him as he was setting himself to sleep for the day. I exhaled a sigh of relief as I stood there after finally getting the photo that I wanted. As I watched the sun snuggle away behind the hills in the distance I couldn’t help but just marvel at the wonderfulness staring me in the face thinking to myself, ‘It’s been a good year… it’s been a damn good year.

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